Saturday, February 16, 2013

1930: Real Vienna Revisited

Elevated railway, still using steam power
Official opening of the Karl-Marx-Hof - one of Vienna's largest public housing estates
Summer swimming in the courtyard of another housing estate, Fuchsenhof
Sunlovers by Aurel Abramovici
The Sisters G by Studio Manassé

Friday, February 15, 2013

Talking Heads

Well, we already know Michael Caine as the face (and The Voice) of a deciphering device.
Imagine a similar device somewhere in Germany. Who will be its Talking Head?
Demonic Klaus Kinski?

Kind-hearted Heinz Rühmann?

Seductive Uschi Glas?
Любопытно было бы узнать, кто озвучивает воспоминания ветеранов люфтваффе и кригсмарине – демонический Клаус Кински? Добродушный Хайнц Рюман? А может, соблазнительная Уши Глас ангельским голоском рассказывает о том, чего не было? И где все это происходит – в Потсдаме, поближе к начальству, или в каком-нибудь санатории, затерянном в Баварских Альпах?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

1930: Junkers Demotivational Poster

The airliner featured above is the G 38 Deutschland, original certificate number D-2000, designed and built by Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG, Germany.
In OTL, she made her maiden flight on November 6, 1929, initiated regularly scheduled service between Berlin and London on July 1, 1931, underwent extensive modernisation in 1931-32 (number of passengers increased to 30), and crashed near Dessau in 1936.
In the Strangers' World (1930), she had larger capacity right from the start and was pressed into regular service as early as in Summer 1930 - with disastrous results, although.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Permanent Hair Wave

"Perm wave", mentioned in Irwin's letter to his kids, was created with the help of monstrous tools.
Как горели у вас глаза, когда я рассказывал о плавании через Атлантику на "Аквитании", красавице-старухе, или о полете из Лондона в Париж на биплане Имперских авиалиний, или о могучих паровозах, которые тянут Норд-экспресс через всю Европу! Как ужасалась Эмма, узнав в подробностях о завивке-перманент! И как Алек пересчитывал свои карманные деньги на шиллинги, флорины и полукроны!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1930: Real Paris (II)

Olympia music hall at Boulevard des Capucines

Josephine Baker in her dressing room,
photographed by Luis Ramon Marin

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

1930: Real Marlene

We're not so sure about Marlene Dietrich. Tempted but still hesitating - would (and should) she appear in our new book?
Here, everything is much simpler: meet the great Dietrich and Josef von Sternberg, who directed The Blue Angel - a film which boosted Marlene's fame all over the world: